Planning Applications
Disclaimer: This page should contain all undecided planning applications, but to be 100% sure contact the District/Borough Council directly. We receive details of applications and are consulted on them. We can submit our views (taking into account the views of local residents), but the District/Borough Council primarily look to us to provide local insight and may not follow our view. The public should send comments to both the Local Council and District/Borough Council within any deadline period. You can voice your concerns to them on any planning matter. The national Planning Portal is your one-stop shop for planning and building services online.
All buildings and land used in association with Health and Safety Training business. Please see schedule in Planning Statement of each building and external areas history/timeline and specific use to the building
Springfield Farm
Charley Road
LE12 9YB
Conversion of existing garage to self-build dwelling with associated parking and alterations to residential curtilage
The Orchard
Charley Road
LE12 9YB
Erection of two storey building to provide 1 replacement dwelling at first floor and a ground floor annexe
Land At Charley Knoll Farm
Nanpantan Road
LE12 9YE
Construction of a solar farm together with all associated works, equipment and necessary infrastructure
Solar Farm Off
Charley Road
External alterations, internal alterations and major repairs
Castle Rock High School
Meadow Lane
LE67 4BR
Installation 1 x 9m light wooden pole
Outside 5 Dauphine Close
LE67 4QQ
Installation of 1 x 9m light wooden pole
Opposite 10 Romans Crescent
LE67 4QU
Installation 1 x 9m light wooden pole
Opposite 7 Romans Crescent
LE67 4QU
Demolition of existing school buildings and construction of two-storey replacement teaching block together with external works including a MUGA and landscaping
Castle Rock High School
Meadow Lane
LE67 4BR
Demolition of an existing dwelling and outbuilding and erection of a detached dwelling (Self build)
Rose Cottage
Nanpantan Road
LE12 9YE
Change of use from Use Class C3 dwellinghouse to Use Class C2 childrens carehome
175 Greenhill Road
LE67 4UF
Demolition of existing building and proposed erection of 6 x 3 bed houses (use class C3), 1 x 2 bed supported living bungalow (use class C3(b)), 2 x 1 bed supported living bungalows (use class C3(b)), and 14 x 1 bed supported living apartments (use class C3(b)) with associated private highway, off-street parking and amenity spaces
Land On Smith Crescent
LE67 4JE
Reserved Matters Application relating to layout, landscaping, open space and internal arrangements of Outline Planning Application ref: P/21/0027/2 (erection of up to 50 dwellings with internal access roads, public open space, landscaping, surface water attenuation and associated infrastructure).
Land West of Iveshead Road Shepshed Leicestershire
Discharge of Conditions 9 (Construction Traffic Management), 13 (Construction Environmental Management Plan), 14 (Surface Water Drainage), 15 (Construction Phase Drainage), 17 (Drainage Infiltration Testing), 20 (Green Infrastructure Retention and Protection), 21 (Ecological Mitigation Strategy) and, 22a (Site Investigation) of Planning Application ref: P/21/2045/2 (Outline application for residential development of up to 50 dwellings with all matters reserved except for access)
Land South of Ashby Road Central Shepshed Leicestershire LE12 9BS
Reserved Matters application pursuant to Outline Application ref: P/21/2045/2, seeking approval of Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale for the Erection of 50 dwellings (Use Class C3) together with associated access, parking and landscaping works
Land at Ashby Road Central,Shepshed,Leics.
Reserved Matters Application for the approval of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale relating to Outline Planning Application ref: P/20/2162/2
Ingleberry Farm 10 Ingleberry Road Shepshed Leicestershire LE12 9DE
Proposed creation of temporary construction access
Land West of Ingleberry Road, Shepshed Leicestershire
Erection of a part two-storey and single-storey rear extension
91 Tressall Road
LE67 5QE
Construction of a 49.9MW solar farm with a battery storage facility with associated access, landscaping and infrastructure.
Land at Charley Road,Charley Road,Shepshed,Leicestershire,LE12 9YA
Installation of advertisement sign (Advertisement Consent)
Land corner of Ashby Road and Tickow Lane Shepshed Leicestershire
Site for the erection of up to 350 dwellings with primary school and associated infrastructure to include alterations to Tickow Lane (Outline Application with all matters reserved except Principal Access).
Land west of Tickow Lane Shepshed
Site for the erection of up to 400 dwellings and associated infrastructure (Outline Application with all matters reserved other than access).
Land West of Tickow Lane Shepshed Leicestershire